The anime film, written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, Princess Mononoke follows the protagonist Ashitaka and his plight set in the Muromachi period in Japan.
Ashitaka takes the form of the Hero archetype, a young, idealistic male, undertaking a rite of passage. At the beginning of act one we see Ashitaka in his normal world, riding his red elk, yakul. This is until he realises something is wrong, there is a demon possessed Boar attacking the Emishi village. This challenge to Ashitaka's world is his call to adventure.
Ashitaka must kill the Demon possessed Boar but becomes injured and receives a curse on his right arm. Although the curse grants Ashitaka superhuman strength, it will eventually kill him and he must find a cure as advised by the oracle. Along the way he meets Jigo who is the mentor character in the film.
At the end of the film, Ashitaka and San return the head of the forest spirit, when the do this, the forest spirit falls into the lake and heals both San and Ashitaka. Ashitaka decides to stay back and rebuild the town but promises San that he will visit her in the forest.
Hi Megan, your comment is a start. What is the challenge to Ashitaka's world? What is his quest? And does he succeed? What is your interpretation of how the film ends?