Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Weeks 11/12 Reality TV aka Unspeakably Bad TV

How does Hill (2005) define reality TV?

Hill (2005) defines reality television as “a range of factual programming.” He goes on to unpack the definition and look at the meaning of reality TV through interpretation and evaluation. What Hill asserts is that to define a “genre in transition” we must take into account the audience’s interpretation and their diverse opinions on the diverse genre. Because subject matter plays little part in the definition of reality TV, it comes down to its origins, influences, production techniques and formats that allow us to put a series into the reality TV box.

Primarily, our understanding of the genre is based on our perception of the word reality. Whether we view life marooned on a desert island to be an ever-present possibility or throw sharp objects at the TV screen when The Hills is on, our perception of reality determines our level of participation in a genre that is constantly changing.

As a victim of genetic cynicism, my view of reality TV (and TV in general) lends itself to the latter. I fear it is because of this that despite it being Hill’s opening sentence; I wholly disagree with his definition. Sadly for the die-hard fans of Big Brother out there, the shreds of tangible reality remaining in reality TV are few and far between.

Editing and re-editing, scripted dialogue and ‘amateur’ actors, provide us a simulated reality which is in fact no more real than your average prime time sit com. Survivor is a classic case of, “I’m alone and hungry on a desert island… watching the crew eat Subway.” The million dollar prize actually goes to the contestant that doesn’t strangle the gaffer for his pasta carbonara that was golf-carted down to him from the Sunny Days Beach Resort two kilometres down the beach. If you are a revolting human, you make it to the semi-final because you make compelling television, if you are a bland human; you’re out in the second round. No amount of Darwin’s theory applies to reality TV because it is not reality. 

Reality television is predictable. Reality is not.


See? You didn’t predict that.

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